Monday, March 27, 2006

Just like old timers

As I walked to the fireside last night I began to get nestalgic about seeing Oblivion play at the fireside every weekend my freshman year of highschool. Once I entered the building though it didn't feel the same. Its like when doc from field of dreams walked out and turned into an old man just to save the little girls life. The only girls life I was saving was a golden girl and that would be my sodie for the show. In any case I came to see Make Believe and they fell a mighty bit below the mark. I don't know if they're getting bored but they taunted the crowd saying we could leave if we didn't like the music and that what is good music and who really knows. I got a little annoyed by them playing a couple of encores with songs from earlier on in the set. The second doubler they cut off half way through to end the set, not a pretty sight. It still felt cool and even more thought provoking alone.

I can't stop clicking on this link. Its different everytime. Its like a mouse in a cage pushing the dopamine button til it dies. Thats how bad I like watching the fall of ol G. Walker Texas Ranger. The best part is you can drag him around with the mouse.

Last week I went on springer break, I do believe I may be the only one still saying that but it was a nice little solo trip to boston/new york. Highlights of harvard were hanging out at razzys with tommy and his townie friends, eating bread bowls on the square, and topping it and attempting a shirtless doorless in the Harvard Library(ID needed). I skipped town on the awkwardly cheap busline from boston to newyork thats based out of chinatown. I sat behind an old new york couple and it was like daggers piercing my ears til I was a circa 70's punkster brewhaha. Lets put it this way as soon as they sat down the husband goes, "well I don't want to talk to you either I think your annoying." Following this they called there son 3 times on the way home to be ready to pick them up:

Dad:Hey hows it going
Dad:We'll be ready for dinner
Dad: I slept off and on

I can only imagine the poor sap on the other end of the telephone. Once I got to New York things moved to the pace of the new york minute and I was fighting to stay above water but then I got to mikes with an amstel light 12 pack I unwound a bit. The next day I went to central park and lazied around there for a while. I stumbled into a conversation with a crazy "central park facts" man. I was walking around a sun dial bench when I heard...

crazy: Two days ago it lined up perfectly
....I was startled but for some reason engaged in conversation.....
Me:Really, do you know when this was built?
crazy: first introductions.
crazy: I'm the one who bailed your asses out of WWII and Korea.
Me: Cool!
crazy: That Frick Museum is really cool
Me: Yeah, I'm a sucker for Renaisance art
crazy: They have the largest leonardo davinci ever
Me: Really, I'm sold. I'm going there
Me: thanks, whats your name
....see him wipe about two eggs worth of snot onto his hand
crazy: sorry I'm a little sick
Me: thats okay, my name is jeff whats yours

And with that he ran away. I went into the museum only to find out I was tricked by a crazy man with lots of faulty knowledge about new york. No Leo D here, just lots of lets Goya nuts over boring paintings. After this I was a little crushed so I had a couple of slices of pizza and was revitalized. I went to the Moma using my friends mike's ID and didn't feel bad as the entry fee was 20 bucks. The Edvard Munch exhibit was tops and contained the frieze in its entirety(minus the scream those bastards). The Frieze is an inner turmoil Edvard had over 3 decades about life,love, and heartbreak. To spare you the gritty details I'll supersummarize the rest of my trip...Went to ellis island found my great grandfather Franc Znidersic(my grampa changed his name to schneider when he became a boxer, he wanted to be called Van Schneider but he didn't get cocky and kept it plain and simple like along came a spider)...hung out with simmons the last as we went to a rainboesque type bar inside an old pool supply store. It even had a cool outdoor fire in the backyard. I challenged someone to breakdancing and had a good old walk off old members warehouse style. My handspring and worm were no match for his hand spins. It was a nice send off and that ended my trip in New York

The only logical choice after that was a laid back peaceful weekend. That didn't happen and I'm getting tired of posting so I'll leave this picture to sum up the thousand words I would have used.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Top of the ceiling to ya!

When he came to there was a banana peel in his mouth and the ceiling fan was set on low.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I can put my periscope away

To spare you the boredom of me pushing over a ten foot high tall stack of papers which all encompassed me to the fact that I was in a diaper with lacerations on my arms, I'll skip to the point after I hit send for my final paper that was due at 12 noon today. Of course I sent it at 11:48 with the disclaimer that I'm nervous about it getting lost in space and that if I could get an email back that would be great. From here the order of events were quite piecemeal. How do you pick up after you've been focusing on something for a week straight. You begin to see everything little thing in your day with a bit more magnitude. Like taking a shower was perfectly accompanied today by Grandaddy. Lunch was another great getaway as I went to my brothers to pick up a bowling ball(packed lunch from the suburbs, termed bowling ball due to the tremendous weight of the amount of food care of your nervous parents who believe the city is a freeforall when it comes to survival). I ended up watching an episode of Tom and Jerry where Tom is trying to impress the girl cat that he's the man-cat and all she wants is a cat that'll dress in a zoot suit and talk all jive-like. From here I took off for the waters edge to put up rent flyers around campus and it was strange I actually got a call and saw people grab the pull tabs as I was walking away. It was a funny dive into college hocked full of ASU hooded Sweaters and Oakleys, Headphones and rollerblades, Goth girls with their terrible smilefrowns,and last but not least the track kids ready to do hurdles outside on a freezing cold march afternoon, you know college. From here I headed back home to start the yeast reaction for making pizza dough. This gave me exactly a half hour to go back to my brothers to get MirrorMask(the new one from jim henson studios), deposit a few checks, and fill my car up with gas. At the gas station I marveled at the Rozol pharmacy at Western and August wondering how there still in business what with the walgreens every 5 blocks. I noticed the picture diabetic shoes and I thought it must have been a type but I guess people with diabetes need special shoes. News to me. This was all done with 30 seconds to spare. Oh how did you get past the Milwaukee/Western intersection...a little thing called the Rockwell highway to bypass that hornets nest. Added flour which takes 90 minutes to rise and went to the Cub which is of a bit less quality than jewel and dominics but closer and significantly cheaper. Pizza was a delight as I made stuffed crust pizza with pesto around the edges, fresh mozzerella on top along with cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, green pepers, and fresh parma. Not to mention a few leaves of basil as it comes out of the oven so as not to be crispy. Watched that new movie mirrormask which was totally awesome and I suggest it to anyone slightly intersested in jim henson studios(studios mind you the man is dead in flesh) or interested in dreams(Neil Gaimon-Sandman/American Gods). Then I hopped up to annies in my slippers, guitar, and glass of beer in hand to talk with Yishai and her about selecting band names. Annie was giving herself a hard time about band names after picking "rockfalls" which she said was not set in stone yet(no pun intended). I told her just to remember that nothing can be worse than my brothers first band, "the band with no name." It should be proclaimed by a guy with a cowboy voice. But then there's the fact that I played in both a punk band(mundanes) and ska band(snookas) in highschool and the realization that we all have our demons. I'm not going to re-read this blog as doing that will make me shutter at proofreading my terrible grammar for actually papers I needed to turn in.

H-biird tomorrow be there at the hideout and it will be fun I swear. The hideout is always fun. Its just a 1/4 mile enough out of our comfort zones.

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