Tuesday, February 20, 2007

a little sore but plenty worth it

This past weekend, thanks to nicks effort, we got a snow football game going. We had a little cross country bad boys and Joe(really big star, big star, really big star) as Nick, Jason, ben, Pip, and I took on the brothers McCahill(joe, eddie, and kevin), erich, and texas dave. It was a bit cold but tromping around in boots and trying to call plays with a snow covered ball was priceless. I especially liked it when Jason yelled at me for drying off the football when team McCahill had possession. After the game was over I felt a little like a combination of this:

and this:

If you knew that was Laura Palmer I want to hang out and be good friends. It wasn't just me, everyone I knew from that game was aching for days afterwards. It hurt to sneaze. That either means we're all getting old or we're all getting out of shape. I prefer the latter.

Here's some music I've been liking lately:

Chris Bathgate: This kind of has pangs of Elliott Smith meets iron and wine. I like the strange breaks from acoustic. It strayed just far enough to perk my interest.

Marie Antoinette soundtrack: I actually saw this movie on accident(annie had it) and I have to say it was pretty decent. The soundtrack is very asthetically pleasing and has a very attractive cd cover. My favorite song is “The Melody Of A Fallen Tree” by Windsor For The Derby.

I've even seen a few movies lately

Everything is Illuminated: This movie was daunting to rent, as it was about nazi occupied Ukraine but I pushed through anyway. I very much enjoyed the blend of euro and new york languages. Very premium. Rent this movie it is very proximal.

Animation show 3: I went to see this at the music box, which if anyone hasn't gone to yet should do so in the most near future. It was below zero as we waited in line with my eticket printout and I thought we must just have to show our printout at the front desk. So we went to the front of the line which they did and we got sent us back to the end the line. Not only were we double the distance we started off in the line but somehow it managed to get colder, and I'm not including the coldness everyone showed me for losing our place in line. Once we got in it was pure candy, the show had one of the artists, Bill Plimpton, come out and introduce movie. My favorite cartoon short was everything will be okay by Don Hertzfeldt. Here is an example of some of his stuff.

Monday, February 05, 2007

a lot of records getting broken around here

Yeah its the coldest its been in chicago in a decade and this superbowl had the highest ratings in history. Oh yeah one more thing, I finally bowled over 200. I even took a class at U of I but still nothing. But give me the combination of having to stay late at work, drive a spaceheater up to edgewater, and pitchers at the fireside bowl I was throwing rocks. I bowled 6 strikes in a row. If a rogue pin managed to stay standing after I rained down thunder, I stared at it til it exploded. The final frame says it all.

Maybe it was the nestalgia of having been back to do something at the fireside. Right where the stage used to be was bowling ball racks. To me it looked like a cemetary for little punkrockers. I went to see oblivion every weekend of my freshmen/sophmore years. Thats what I remember anyway. Having trouble remembering the past? Me to

Thursday, February 01, 2007

A team from a certain city that starts with a ch ends in o and in the middle you got a hicag

Da Bears fever is catching on. I've worn my superbowl bears hoodie for about a week straight and its razer sharp line between uncleanliness and superfan status.

Moving on to the daily commute, I drove by a lady with a bumper sticker that said keep the earth clean its not uranus. Insulting and eco-concsious.

As for music.

The Arcade Fire-Neon Bible: I'be been really listening to the new arcade fire lately and am becoming slowly obsessed. Right from the getgo with black mirror the album is stellar. This album has more of an orchestral approach and makes it feel more developed which is a good thing. I can't wait to see them when they come back to chicago

The Shins-Wincing the Night away: Moving on to a band I would rather not see again. Its hard to top chutes to narrow but this album goes from slowly buildup poppy wonderland over the course of 11 songs and I want more. It makes me think James Mercer runs around the studio with 15 copies of himself a la malcovich adding keys, background vocals, and claps. My favorite part is when Mercer sings "want to want to multiply...all I want is one more saturday". Its like he's saying what were all thinking but too slow to put down on paper.


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