Thursday, August 31, 2006

dangly eyes

I found this one from new years at robbies. I think it might be dan and geoff but I'm not sure. Haven't come up for water in a while as I'm in the midst of qualifying exams. I'm taking a break this weekend though to record and hangout with kit and natalie. We lost in softball again even though I got a 3 run homer in the last inning. Kudos to Lee for going 4/4 and Jason for the dinger. The sox blew it today in the tenth but at least they're a half game ahead of the twinkies in the wild card. Been obsessing on bird on a wire by rogue wave and may even break out of hibernation to see them at logan square next week. A little study break anyone?

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Why does everything have to go so fast

Its a funny story actually. I was sitting in line at Kimbark liqours and it was 5:20, exactly ten minutes before I have to be on the field to play softball. Lets just say I picked the wrong line and before I knew it I was behind the middle-aged lady who likes to talk to the cashier. As she started to lay into how her bones ache and how she can't exercise anymore without feeling sore, I let out an audible groan. Then as she asked the guy to double bag her soda, newspaper, and chips, I stopped groaning and decided to stare at the ceiling to keep from entering an episode of the twilight zone. "Yeah, that bag is for my sodas," an actual exerpt from that painful ordeal. And what did it take to get through that grueling line. 3 and half minutes. In retrospect I want to know what I needed to rush for. It was raining out and the game wasn't going to really start for another 15 minutes. I guess its kind of like taking canalport instead of staying in that terrible lane that merges with that other terrible lane on 90/94 near the stevie. I get filled with rage as I pass that antique coffee grinder place and the ability to makeout old brand labels as I move a whopping 5 mph. I don't know as I approach the canalport exit something inside of my head splits in two. I want to escape slow. So, in alteration, I choose to either stay on the highway or take my lucks with the lights, homeless men selling socks(which I still don't understand how many pairs of socks you can sell on a 96 degree summer day), and the south union arts center. I really don't know which is faster. Part of me wants to split off and take the exit while I sit in traffic just to see which one gets to the my apartment first. Who ever loses has to buy the first round eh?

Maybe a little too much. I'll change topics. The bi-annual darling show is coming up this month on the 21st. As in this monday. I'd love it everyone and anyone would come out. We've got new songs and we're playing with Jason and Jessyln's new band, The Kinzie House.

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