Sunday, April 16, 2006

Out of the sick ward

I lost an entire god damn week to the plague! Here's the progression of illness:

Thursday 4/6-feel a slight tickle in my throat at the h-biird show

Friday 4/7-Get to UofC at 9am feeling fine and as the day progresses I begin to decompose until I'm to the pointing of running to my car telling everyone and anyone that I'm do for a 10 hour bath to recuperate road to wellville style.

Saturday 4/8-roll over all day, hit a fever of 103, head hurts so bad that I ended up hating The Grifters

Sunday 4/9- Realize I'm not getting better, anti-biotics can't kill a viral infection, and watch the elephant man.

Monday 4/10-Friday 4/14-TWOTWO-total waste of the week off. Time imagined to be spent watching movies all day, doing crosswords, and reading redirected in the general tortured soul treatment of sleeping only to get fever-nightmares and bedsores /enlarged lymph nodes keeping me from looking on the sunny side of life

Friday I managed to bounce out of it. I woke up with purpose threw my notebooks in my bookbag schooled the hell out of school, went home and played doubles tennis with a brand new racket. James is a hell of a tennis partner and we caught a draw with team jason.

Why do decide to incessantly rant about absolutely nothing, its cause that is exactly what has happened to me. I secretly just reserving my energy for this upcoming weekend in carbondale where I hope to push the envelope of life yet again(make it through the squeeze with my quarter pounder panch). I am anticipating a sweet yellow school bus rented out with Fun Camp spray-painted all over the side to cart us from wine vineyard to wine vineyard. Plans to have a sidewayesque scene where I drink too much but more out of fun and not out of twisted soul retaliation like in the movie. I have no idea whats in store but if its half as fun as last time I'm do for the wonderful outing. Kit the ball is in your court. Jam it.

Monday, April 03, 2006

stacking dishes are kind of like inkblots

Its strange to think about how stacking dishes is a direct extension of how you live your life. There are many dimensions to be considered here like how long you let your dirty dishes stink with food crusties forming. Then you have the adventurous side of yourself testing how many dishes you can stack in the drying recepticle. I know I have a lot of empty space but the idea is to keep the heavy dishes near the base and then to add tupperware as an accent. Sometimes you have to get creative like with the cutting board island and the hanging parmeson graters.

As of recent though things have been cooling off. Kind of ramping up for the summer to start. I've got softball in about a month and I'm the coach. That means cages,laps, and game balls. Its gonna be sweet. I'll leave this post with one hilarious advertisement I saw. It was for The Alley(clothing/goth stuff) and it said, "for those who don't want to wear white caps and be a frat boy clone" No we'll be a goth clone. Amused the hell out of me.

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